The Denkinger company

Logistics. IT. Transportation. Family.

DENKINGER is an innovative, family-run transport and logistics company with the business divisions Logistics, IT and Transportation. We offer and connect transportation by road, rail, sea or air. We always find the best solution for our customers – digitally, of course.
Among other things, our IT experts are responsible for creating communication structures and platforms with the help of which we develop individually tailored solutions for each customer. This enables us to optimally link all those involved along the supply chain. We constantly provide up-to-date data on stock levels and deliveries in real time.


Our goal is to link transportation, logistics and IT to a degree ...

  • that both our customers and the environment benefit as much as possible from our vertical integration.
  • that sustainability becomes comprehensive for the environment, people and future generations.
  • that we conserve resources.
  • that we live up to our social responsibility.
  • that we can constantly surprise our customers with intelligent solutions and offers.
  • that we can communicate our ideas and values to our employees. Working life should be part of personal development for a satisfying life.

This is us.

As a family, we are unbeatable.

  • Socially responsible
  • Economically successful
  • Appreciating each other
  • Sustainable growth
  • Gratefully forward

The heads

Thinking it all together

Nico Denkinger
Managing Director
Technical management fleet responsibility

Our own, well-maintained fleet of vehicles has always been important to us. Always equipped with the most modern vehicles with the appropriate technology and the most extensive safety precautions, combined with comfortable equipment, is widely known. The technical team is also the first point of contact for problems, repairs, accidents… and is on hand day and night when help is needed.

We also attach great importance to the further training and education of our drivers so that they represent our company to the outside world in an economical, safe and responsible manner.

Peter Denkinger
Managing Director
Forwarding management

And even if we are equipped with the most innovative IT, there is still a high level of personal commitment in this area in order to handle the various areas of tension in a way that is justifiable, comprehensible and fair for everyone.

I am/was responsible for this area with the Dispo and Forwarding division. Customer satisfaction, loads at short notice, the special expertise required of professional drivers, unpredictable road conditions due to traffic jams and weather conditions, and consideration for the health of employees and their needs.

Simon Brunner
Managing Director
Commercial management Logistics responsibility

The requirements for logistics, logistics space and logistics IT have developed at an incredible speed over the last 10 years. Here, too, we can demonstrate one of our company’s strengths. Relying on rail and sustainable transportation at an early stage gives us an important head start today, when many are just starting out, and helps us to act in an economically responsible manner. Logistics 4.0 has long been standard for us with Power BI, interfaces and digital channels.

Petra Denkinger
Authorized signatory

Keeping the backs of all three managing directors free and supporting them as far as possible would be task enough. But Petra DENKINGER is also responsible for the major issues of taxes and banking.

Despite all the many tasks, she is also the one who always has an open ear for all employees, supports them, encourages them or simply listens to them – regardless of whether she has time or not. That always comes first. Their laughter and their positive charisma – that is DENKINGER .


This is what we stand for with our names

  • Together, we want to develop our company sustainably.

    Conscientious management is firmly anchored in our corporate philosophy.

  • We take our responsibility for the company and our employees very seriously.
    For this reason, we attach great importance to working together as equals in a spirit of trust.
  • Long-term agreements
    Long-term agreements are an essential key to DENKINGER’s success.
  • I give my word or a handshake are values to which we remain true.
    This is what we stand for with our names.



Express contact

Contact us

Write to us or give us a call!

Denkinger Internationale Spedition GmbH
Röntgenstrasse 6
89584 Ehingen